Monday, February 3, 2014

The Joys of Girl Scout Cookies...

Just thought it might be time for a random post that isn't about the house for once. So I wanted to share a fun picture of Alex. At 2 1/2 the "first" don't happen as often as they did when he was little but they do still happen occasionally and they are still lots of fun.

When I was little I was knee deep in girls scouts. I started as a brownie and stuck with it all the way through middle school as a junior. Of course it made it 10 times better that my mom became my troop leader and although I will be the first to admit that I hated her and Teresa's caper charts, I will also be the first to admit they were the best leaders a troop could have. They were always planning fun adventures and trips for us, I don't know how they did it now that I am a working parent. Makes me appreciate them that much more.

One of my favorite times of the year, and I am sure my parent's most dreaded, was cookie time. I have always been super competitive so I made sure I sold enough cookies each year to get all the prizes on the chart. Which meant our living room would be full of cookies until we could get them all delivered.

As I came out of Kroger the other day and saw a troop selling cookies, I figured I owed it to someone to buy some since so many people used to buy from me. 

So Alex got to experience his first Girl Scout cookie, a Peanut Butter Pattie. To say it was a hit would be an understatement. He loved it! Here's to many more years of sharing yummy cookies together!

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