Monday, February 3, 2014

Best Valentine's Day Ever - 2014!

If you know me at all, you know that typically I don't like Valentine's Day. it has gotten better since I met Matt, but overall it is just not my favorite holiday. This year is shaping up to change that. On Friday we got the word that we should be closing on the 14th. Best Valentine's Day ever!

Once the email came through, Matt sent me a text asking if we were doing gifts. My response - just a house! That is more than enough for me!

So the plan as of today (which can always change as we have learned with Ball Homes) is for the supervisors to do their walk through today, Matt and I will do our first walk through next Monday and point out anything we have concerns with, and then will do our final walk through the morning of the 14th and head to closing from there. That same day, the painters will come in and tackle my long list of rooms and colors. Hopefully our couch will also get delivered that day.

On the 15th at 9 am the movers will be at the rental house and within about 5 hours we will have everything out of the rental and storage buildings and into the new house. The only thing left will be the stuff in Frankfort and we are considering renting a UHaul for the 15th and Matt and Andy tackling that while I direct the movers.

It was like the email just made it all real. We started packing this weekend even. Less than 2 weeks to go and we are more than ready! 

We stopped by the house on Saturday and the plumbers were there so we got to take a look around. All the final pieces were in place and by the time we left, the water and sewer was working as well. As far as we could tell there was nothing left to do except plug in a stove.

Cabinet inspector.

All the shelves are in the closets!

Sink and dishwasher all ready to go!

It's official when there is a mailbox at the curb!

Headed upstairs to check things out.

Testing out the newly installed handrail.

Loved seeing all the finishing touches like the towel holders!

1 comment:

  1. Looking great!! I bet you just cannot wait to get in there. So happy for you guys!
