Friday, September 28, 2012

A Boy and His Daddy...

I think I can say I witnessed the sweetest thing I have ever seen last night. Matt came home from soccer practice and I walked Alex outside to say hi to him. He wanted to mow the back yard before it got dark so I took Alex inside. He fussed a little that I made him come inside and tried to get me to take him back out. He even brought me my flip flops and his shoes so we could go out. I didn't want to get in Matt's way since he was in the back yard so I kept Alex inside. 

Then it happened. Alex went to the back door and would catch a glimpse of Matt every once in a while as he went across the yard. He would run back toward me, say "dada" and point out back and then run back to the door. Matt saw him standing at the door and when he would get in sight, he would make a funny face at him and Alex would just cackle and laugh. Matt said he could hear him laugh all the way outside. Then when Matt was out of sight, he would whine just a little. This got to me so I gave in and decided to take him out. When I grabbed his shoes the excitement rippled through him. It was visible how extremely excited he was.

So out we went and he just sat in my lap and watched Matt mow. He would still laugh when he would look at him and thought it was the greatest thing. There is nothing like seeing Matt with the kids. It makes me fall in love with him over and over again every time I see moments like this.

Indoor Shoes

Alex has become obsessed with wearing shoes. I think it stems from the fact that he would spend every waking moment outside if we would let him and knows he has to put on shoes to go outside. So he will bring us his shoes and want us to put them on him. He ran around one night in tennis shoes and pajamas until bed time. So we started putting "indoor shoes" on him to please him. The rest of the world calls these "indoor shoes" socks. :) But the other day while shopping with mom and dad I actually found Alex some indoor shoes - house shoes! He LOVES them. When you put them on him, he just giggles and thinks it is awesome. He actually wore them to bed last night and after he was asleep I went in and took them off so his feet wouldn't burn up. Such a silly little bird!

Rocking his new indoor shoes!

Random Cole Craziness...

I just wanted to share a few of the "every day" things we see around the Cole household:

Sleep animals galore!

I am sure in a previous post I have mentioned Alex's love of his sleep dog and sleep bear. If not, they are blanket type things with a stuffed animal head on them that he takes to bed with him and anywhere else he thinks he needs them. One day a week or so ago we thought we had lost sleep dog. Sleep dog is the favorite so this was a sad day. Sleep bear filled in the vacancy until we discovered that Alex must have thought sleep dog needed a bath because we found in him the dirty clothes hamper. Then 2 weeks ago Alex and Reagan went to spend the day and night with Nana and Poppy while Matt and I went to the UK football game. I received a call from dad saying they had no sleep animal. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal because they were at the Midway festival and could just run by the house to grab one but our garage door panel had quit working so they had no way to get into the house. However, I had just been to Tuesday Morning earlier that week and had noticed they were selling a new version of sleep dog there. So they stopped by and bought a new sleep dog which happened to come in a 2 pack with a new sleep bear as well. So now he has 4 sleep animals! We referred to the new ones as sleep dog and sleep bear 2.0. Alex knows the difference though, will sleep with any of them, but will always pick the original sleep dog if given a choice. And then some days, like this morning, he just wants all 4 of them even though it is really hard to carry 4 sleep animals.
Hard to tell but he has all 4 sleep animals. The dog you can see is the original best friend - sleep dog. You can see the heads of both sleep bears, the white head is attached to the green blanket and is the new one, the brown bear hanging over his arm is the original sleep bear. You can only barely see the blanket of the new sleep dog to the far left.

Silly Boy:

He is so random when it comes to his toys. Some nights he will play with every toy he has, other nights he ignores them completely. Last night he decided he needed to climb on top of his ball pit. Considering it is just a blow up, it just collapsed under him as he climbed it, and of course he just laughed. I had to laugh when I looked over at him playing the other night and saw him trying to sit and ride on a tiny little dump truck he has. 
You can barely see it but he is sitting on a little dump truck he has.

Rock Star:

Lastly I had to share a picture of Reagan on "Dress Like a Rock Star" day at school. She looked so cute with a crazy hair piece and fake eyelashes made out of feathers.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Foot Monster...

I thought I had posted a video of Alex and the foot monster before but I couldn't find it so here is another one. The one I thought I had posted was one day when Matt had made a tunnel between the couch and ottoman with pillows and blankets. Matt sat on the couch with his leg in the tunnel and would "get" Alex with his foot when Alex crawled in. Alex would squeal, crawl out as fast as he could and peer back into the tunnel to see if the monster was still there. Curiosity would get the best of him and he would go right back in and repeat the ordeal. It was really funny to watch.

Well, the other night, the foot monster returned!

And note his really cute long johns that he got for Christmas from Debbers. They have his name on the butt and are adorable!

Fun With Rakes...

I bet the amount of money spent on all the toys in our house is astounding yet our weird child's favorite toys right now are his plastic rakes, shovel, our big plastic serving spoons and some cheap tupperware. I had to get a couple of videos of him the other night with his rakes and tupperware because he was just having a grand time all by himself. He just walked over to the couch with rakes and tupperware in hand, climbed up and sat there playing. I think it is funny that he knows I am recording him in the second one and keeps looking up at me.

This video makes me laugh because of all the different things he does with the rakes.

Here is the second one where he notices me recording him.

Boys Will Be Boys...

Matt and I have talked before at how funny it is that boys have that desire to push trucks and cars around the house very early when little girls do not. Alex already loves all his trucks, cars, dozers, etc. You can't see the truck in this video but it a car hauler type truck that also signs after you push it for a while. I wasn't able to catch all of him pushing the truck, this started in his room and went all the way down the hall and into the living room. The funny part was that he would stop and dance when the music started and go right back to pushing once it stopped. Such a funny little boy.

And here is a picture from the last play date where he actually got down on his stomach to push around a little car. This is the first time he has done this and he was loving it.