Monday, November 21, 2011

A Little Ink...

Yesterday morning Reagan found her stash of temporary tattoos and decided she wanted one. Matt helped her put on a giant Pirates of the Caribbean tat on her arm. They then decided Alex needed to join in the fun so he got a tattoo too!

The Cat and the Watercooler...

Let me start out by saying Juno is not a very smart cat. We have wondered several times if she was dropped on her head as a kitten. Lately she has become obsessed with water. Yes, we have the only cat in the world that actually likes water. She plays in the toilets, she plays in the bath tub, she is always curious about what is going on when Alex is taking a bath, etc.

A few weeks age we discovered water all over our dining room floor. After some investigation we discovered the water jugs that we buy to make Alex's bottles had holes in them, all four of them. Upon further inspection we noticed the holes we actually bite marks. Juno had chewed through all 4 plastic jugs of water and water had spilled out all over the floor. She did this again a week later when we forgot to put the jugs in the pantry.

Things got even more interesting when we once again found water in the dining room. However, this time there were no jugs in there to be leaking. So we really weren't sure what had happened unless the Highbridge Springs water cooler was leaking. We have one of those 5 gallon water cooler with the 2 spouts on the front that you can push for water. A short time later we heard water pouring out of it. Juno had figured out how to push down the lever and was letting water pour of the cooler!

So we put foil across the levers hoping it would discourage her since they would be harder to get to. Wrong. She just managed to get the foil off the levers and then got water everywhere again. So on to plan B. Matt put heavy duty packaging tape across the front of the levers where it was hard for Juno to get to them. We can put a cup under it and reach in above it to fill it but she can't get her paw in there. Her answer? Chew through the tape. And she did. Chewed it enough to be able to rip it away.

Now there are several layers of tape across it and hopefully this will at least slow her down. There is already teeth marks in the tape but so far she hasn't gotten through it.

However, I guess she was bored since she couldn't get to the water and decided she wanted fresh food last night and started to chew through the bag of cat food. Luckily I heard her and was able to stop it before we had a full bag of cat food all over our laundry room!!

Since I technically picked this cat out, I am wondering if Matt will ever trust me to pick out a pet for us ever again...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Funny Sounds...

Just a quick post of a video that hopefully will make you laugh, I know I do every time I watch it. This is Alex's new fun trick. Enjoy!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tough Life...

This past weekend I went to Gatlinburg for a night for our annual Bunco shopping trip. While I was gone I got a video and a couple of pictures from daddy. From the looks of it all they did while I was gone was play. Daddy played with the baby so much it wore him out and he actually fell asleep in his jumperoo and on his play mat.

Here is the video of him laughing at daddy while in his jumperoo:

And here are the pictures of the baby after some hard times playing with daddy:

Both times Matt said he would just be playing away and all of a sudden would get quiet and Matt looked over to find him sound asleep. It is just so hard being the baby!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Our Jumping Bean...

If you didn't already know, Alex is an extremely active child.  He is always kicking, moving and trying to do something. We got a Johnny Jumpup type thing from our friends, the Coxs, as a baby shower gift. I had no idea how much he would love it. I ended up having to order one for his Mimi's house too. He loves getting in there and jumping around. Last Wednesday night he was having so much fun I was able to get a good picture and a video of him.
Happy baby!!

Down Goes the 1st Toy...

It took less than 4 months for Alex to break his first toy. He has just about put the bird on his play mat out of order. This little innocent bird goes up and down from the bar across his mat. He holds onto it and prevents it from going back up. I took a video of him "playing" with it on Friday. You can hear it clicking before he even gets a hold of it, which it did not do before he started playing with it.