Friday, January 25, 2013

Getting Smarter Every Day..

Just a quick update post...

It is amazing to me how much Alex learns every day and how much he understands. You can take for granted how much easier it is to communicate with him now that he is getting older. But you also have to be careful in teaching or showing him things because it only takes once and he will remember it. 

Some examples:

Poppy let him help take out the trash one day last week and he wants to help every time.

I only let him help unload the plastic cups and pots from the dishwasher after the death of a bowl and glass during another time he was "helping". So as soon as I open the dishwasher to unload it he comes running and grabs the pots. Once he has put them in the correct cabinet and there are no more, he pulls out the top rack for the plastic cups.

His favorite book right now is a book about farm animals going to bed. It has little animals on ribbons that you can "put" into their beds as you read the story. Just out of curiosity I asked him to hand me the animals by name earlier this week and he got every one of them right. I really didn't expect him to get them right so that was amazing.

"More" is competing against uh-oh as the most used word now. Uh-oh is still used every time anything is out of place, which is a lot according to him. But he also now wants "more" of just about everything. After unloading the groceries yesterday, he wanted "more" but there were no more to unload. He wants "more ice" in his cup if it melts, "more bite" of anything daddy and I are eating, even if it is the same thing on his plate, "more" lotion after bath time, and so on. Even walking through the aquarium this week he looked at me and said "more". When I asked what he wanted more of (because we didn't have anything) I could have sworn he said "I don't know" and shook his head. He can even say "I want more" which he uses a lot too.

He is also good at figuring out how to get what he wants. Reagan turned on the light on his tool bench the other night and he can't reach it. Just a few minutes later, this is what we saw:
The grey box is a piece of the set that is suppose to store things I guess he thought it would be a good step stool to reach the light. He was so proud of himself.

Every day it is something new and different and it is so fun watching him grow and develop into a little boy.

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