Friday, January 4, 2013

18 Months Old!

How is it possible that Alex is a year and a half old?!? Where in the world has the time gone?

We had his check-up last week and the doctor said he is looking great. He weighted 22 pounds 13 ounces (12th percentile), was 33 inches long (69th percentile) and his head is in the the 77th percentile. So he is still tall and skinny with a big head, just like the doctor predicted at his 2 week check up 18 months ago.

He has developed quite the personality. He is funny, mischievous and can be a sweet little boy when he wants to be. But he can also be really rough and we are trying to teach him to be easy. Just yesterday he got put in time-out at the sitters for picking on the other kids. Sandy said he would get that little half smile on his face that lets you know is up to something and then would push, hit or take something away from one of the other kids just to make them cry. Thankfully a short stint in time out helped him see the error of his ways and he straightened up for the rest of the day. 

Here are some funny pictures of him recently and some of the new things he is getting into.

He likes daddy to play rocket ship with him and lift him into the air. You can tell by his face he thinks this is just great.

This was just out of the blue the other day while we were in the car. Not sure why he decided it would be funny to pick his nose, but there you have it. It was actually on New Year's Eve and Matt posted the picture to facebook with the caption, "Alex says when searching for someone to kiss tonight, don't forget to pick a winner." I wonder where that boy gets his funny personality from?!?

He has also decided he wants to be a big boy and have snacks at sissy's little table. Guess it is time to get him one of his own!

1 comment:

  1. Time is flying!! Both kiddo's are growing sooo fast!!!!! Happy new year to the four of ya! :)
