Friday, January 25, 2013

A Day at the Aquarium....

On Monday we took the kids and Poppy to the Newport Aquarium. It was the first time either of the kids had been there and the first aquarium all together for Alex. We got a little VIP treatment since the aquarium is a member of KTIA and the VP of the aquarium is a past-chair. So we started out the day with a behind the scenes tour of the facility. Just the 5 of us and our guide, Erin. It was fantastic. We got to learn about the penguins, pet them, see the vet office, meet Mary the snake, watch divers go into the big shark tank, and much more. And that was just the tour. After the tour we took a break to grab lunch and play a few games at GameWorks. Plus the aquarium was packed since the schools were out for Martin Luther King Day and they said the afternoon would be a little better. After lunch we went back to do a regular visit of the aquarium. It was a lot of fun but very tiring keeping up with a very active toddler. He crashed as soon as we got in the car to head home and it was an early bed time for all of us after a fun filled day.

All the frogs had buttons on them that made them "croak". Alex went from frog to frog pushing all the buttons over and over again.

Feeding the lorikeets.

Can you believe that bird was on daddy's hand sissy???

Can he eat me?!? Visiting Mighty Mike, the 14 foot, 800 pound alligator at the aquarium.

Sissy checking out Mighty Mike too.

Visiting the penguins behind the scenes.

Hi sharks! Checking out the shark tank from behind the scenes.

Meeting Mary the snake.
Petting the penguin!

Even Alex petted her!

Poppy having fun with his grandkids!

So fun!

Surprised he actually stood there!

Don't let that smile fool you, she was not thrilled about taking this picture but I made her do it. For some reason it took me forever to convince her to pet this shark and even some threatening to finally get her to do it. And you can tell she really isn't touching it in this picture. Not sure why she was so hesitant!
One funny video from the trip:
When the sharks would swim near him he would duck and squeal! I watched for a while before I thought to record it so I only got the tail end but it is still pretty funny!

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