Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Waiting Game...

In case you don't know me well, I am not a patient person. Marrying Matt and having kids has forced me to become a lot more patient that I was in the past, but the house project has really been testing my limits lately. Or maybe it is just the unknown that is driving me crazy. I am a planner by heart and by profession. I like to have everything lined up and ready to go. So not knowing an exact closing date is driving me crazy. I can call the utility companies, I can set up mail forwarding, I can't book movers and painters, etc. So you might be wondering why we don't know. Here is a basic break down:

Our set closing date is February 25th. This is the date we were given on the final contract in July. This would be fine except in November and December we were told repeatedly that we were ahead of schedule and should close around the teens of February.

Then the luck of the Coles hit. When everything we needed to finalize the house goes on back order - columns, stove, cabinet, counter top, etc.

It all started with one little cabinet. When our cabinets were installed in December, our realtor was so excited because he said they tend to be the most common item to be on back order and cause delays. So I immediately started panicking because one of the cabinets in our master bathroom was incorrect and I just knew that would come back to haunt us. Sure enough, as of yesterday that cabinet was still not in and therefore a closing date could not be set.

I finally broke down and emailed Jamie, our project coordinator, last week to get an update. It went something like this:

Jamie: My paper work says closing on February 26th.
(Which is a day later than the set closing of the 25 which Ben said would not change unless it was earlier, so the madness continues)

Me: So can I book movers for that weekend?

Jamie: No I wouldn't.

Me: (beating my head against the wall) So we still think it might be earlier?

Jamie: Not sure.

Me: (still beating my head against the wall) Do you know when we might have an idea

Jamie: All back ordered items should be in by the middle of next week and if they are, we should have a good idea on where we stand at our meeting on Thursday.

Me: (Jumping up and down to finally have some sort of answer) Great! I will anxiously await to hear from you on Thursday.

So if all goes well this week we should know something Thursday. So far we have seen hope - the counter top is in as well as the columns. The house was locked so we couldn't see if the cabinet came in for upstairs but we know the counter top for that bathroom is in the garage waiting for it.

Fingers crossed!!

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