I recently broke down and admitted that although I swore I would never drive a minivan, the new Honda Odyssey with the built in vacuum is quite tempting. One look at my car and you would understand why. On any given day you can find a ton of trash, cereal, matchbox cars, a ball or 2, a drink cup, and various other things all in just the back floor board.
It was funny when I spend 20 minutes cleaning out my car to take it to the car wash to be cleaned. And then the employees there still managed to find 3 matchbox cars I hadn't found. Less than 24 hours later you couldn't even tell it had been cleaned out.
I bet you are wondering how this happens? It happens quickly and easily due to the fact that Alex rides with me every day to Frankfort to Sandy's. Before we leave the house he has to gather his snack (usually dry cereal), a drink and a toy to take with him. Most of the time some of the snack is dropped into the car seat, then falling down into the seat of the car. The drink has been known to fall over leaking onto the seat as well. I finally learned to say no to milk since water isn't as big a deal to spill onto the seat. Then the toy, a car, truck, ball, etc. is left in the car, rarely actually taken into Sandy's and never carried back into our house. Thus turning my car into a toy box until I take the time to pack it all into a bag and carry it into the house. Of course the process just starts all over again the next morning.
So my poor car, only a year old, has been through it. Matt finally quit complaining about it and just shakes his head whenever he gets in. Hopefully one day I will drive a clean car again, at least for longer than 5 minutes.
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