Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ground Has Been Broken!

Ever since we started the house building process on June 22 with signing a contract and reserving our lot, we have waited for the day when we could say the building has officially started. After each step it would be said, about 2 weeks until ground breaking. Each time those 2 weeks turned into 3 or something caused a delay. At one point we were told we could possibly see ground breaking around the middle to end of July. Not long into the process we realized things never went that smoothly or quickly with Ball Homes. On August 27th (yesterday) we finally had that monumental "Ground Breaking" day.

Now I feel like it is really real. Things are happening. My excitement is indescribable. Even my husband, who is notorious for being patient, not getting excited until the day of something, and staying so calm is even excited. We talk about the new house at least once every day. We visit the lot so often it is nuts considering up until yesterday it was just grass and nothing had changed at all.

We are even so crazy that we go visit and hang out in another McCormick II that is being built in another neighborhood. Comparing the differences in what they are doing to what we chose to do. Planning out our house while walking around someone else's house.

But very soon it will be our house that we will be walking around. Once the excavators get done moving dirt I am sure we will see the frames for the basement walls, then the rough in plumbing, then framing, roof, etc. Excitement, excitement, excitement!!

Funny story: I posted a picture of the hole that was dug yesterday on Facebook a very good family friend, Benny Turner, asked for our new address and he works for Harrods concrete. Turns out Harrods is helping with our house. Harrods does the concrete and rock for Ball and he told me that he was sending rock to our house today as a matter of fact. Fun stuff!

Here is a picture of the hole and you can see the area where the driveway will be. The sidewalk used to go straight across the lot in the front but they broke it up yesterday and dug up the grass where the driveway will go. Already excited to drive by after work and see if any more progress has been made today!

You can see 2 bright orange stakes in the picture as well. Those got put in late last week and was the first hint that something was about to happen.

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